Machine learning has revolutionized the field of machine vision ever since the breakthrough achieved through deep learning in 2012. Tech companies all around the world are finding it necessary to be able to develop solutions utilizing advanced machine learning methods, especially for machine vision applications.

At Tempo Analytics, we recognize the significant challenges that could be encountered when even seasoned software engineers are working on the development of a machine vision solution if they do not have the proper training and background in machine vision and machine learning concepts. We understand that becoming a professional developer of machine vision solutions could be overwhelming.

Tempo offers machine vision development training targeting professionals who are looking to gain hands-on experience that delivers necessary skills and background allowing them to develop machine vision applications using state of the art technologies.

The program is heavily focused on delivering hands-on training through real-life case studies and examples. “Where do I start?” is a question that is frequently asked by professionals when they are trying to learn machine learning concepts. This training program is a perfect starting point for your team!

The training program is designed to be flexible in order to make it beneficial to your team, regardless of their level of expertise in machine vision:

Two weeks One week Two days REQUEST CUSTOM PROGRAM
Assumes no background knowledge in MV. Assumes intermediate knowledge of MV concepts Targeting users with solid understanding of machine vision who are looking for training on deep learning methods
Covers basic, intermediate, and advanced machine vision concepts. Covers intermediate, and advanced machine vision concepts. Covers advanced machine vision concepts.

The training could be delivered remotely, or onsite. Depending on your requirements, the
training could be focused on any of the following areas:
1. Image classification
2. Object detection

3. Semantic and instance segmentation
4. Object tracking and re-identification
5. Autonomous systems
6. Quality inspection
7. Programming in OpenCV, Tensorflow, Pytorch
8. Many more!